PAST LIFE INFO: Just fill in your birthday on the form and get a quick analysis of what your most recent past life was supposedly like — Past Life Diagnosis
INSTANT STRESS RELIEF: Feeling stressed? Post-millennial blues? Nagging boss? Problems with your [fill in the blank] significant other? Let the Goddess make it all better... Stress Relief
MORE FUNNY QUOTES: A new second page — More Funny Quotes — Part II (now organized by category with all categories accessible from the top of each page)
QUOTES ON LIFE: A new page of philosophical and inspirational Quotes on Life
NEW PHOTOS: A new page of photos — The Goddess' Gallery II
~*~ UPDATES ~*~
AUGUST, 2007: OK, this is really getting old...and I guess, so am I! Another surgery last December, more complications, stupid doctors (!), one subsequent MISDIAGNOSIS of fatal cancer (the longest 10 days of my life), another cancer scare in June, a body scan (I was radioactive for a day and I got to see my skeleton!)...but no cancer! Yayyyyyyyy! Unfortunately, another surgery is inevitable, as the surgeons refused to listen to me and do it right the first time. Needless to say, nothing has been done to the site in a long, long time...maybe next year?
JANUARY, 2006: Two surgeries and a few complications later...she lives!!! I'm doing great now, just haven't found the time to update anything lately.
JUNE, 2004: I'll be undergoing treatment throughout the summer and then surgery around September, so it's doubtful that anything will be updated until the end of the year.
MAY, 2004: I have a ton of stuff I need to do to the site, but have been quite ill lately and haven't done anything. In the next month or two, I'll be taking off for a fabulous fun-filled vacation in a nearby hospital suite. :-(
APRIL, 2003: Ack, this place has gotten really dusty! Have been really busy lately, so I haven't updated anything but the monthly horoscopes and some political stuff in forever. If you subscribed to the Weekly Riot in my absence, I added your name to the mailing list, but I have no idea when I'll start doing it again. I'm currently in the process of scanning a few new photos from the past that mostly came from my grandmother's estate. Geez, being the oldest kid (aka guinea pig) and the first girl in a generation on one side of my family, they took pictures of every single thing I did..and I do mean everything! Mimi also had one of my mom's favorite portraits of my brother, George, when he was at Vanderbilt that I've already added to George's memorial page, Unchained, along with several other additional photos.
FEBRUARY, 2001: Additions were made to my brother George's memorial page, Unchained, for the eighth anniversary of his death. Four new Georgia O'Keeffe flower paintings were added to the Postcards page.
JANUARY, 2001: There's a brand new Guestbook that actually works now. Sixteen new Georgia O'Keeffe flower paintings were added to the Postcards page.
OCTOBER, 2000: There's a brand new Guestbook. The dot-com company that hosted my old Guestbook went dot-dead and so did its' databases, so all the old entries were lost.
AUGUST, 2000: Added 4 new Georgia O'Keeffe flower paintings and a few additional songs to the Postcards page.
JULY, 2000: Added a new page of photos — The Goddess' Gallery II and added 4 new Georgia O'Keeffe flower paintings and some additional songs to the Postcards page, which MyPostcards.com featured in their June and August newsletters and as a Hot Site on their website in July and August.
JUNE, 2000: Added hundreds of new quotes to the Funny Quotes page (the newest quotes are in bold print). Added more songs to the Postcards page (there are now more than 200 songs). Updated the Current Affairs page with some new information regarding the upcoming election, including a link to a great quiz that compares your political views to those of the presidential candidates (from all the political parties) and matches you to the best one according to your political philosophy. You might be surprised at the results...
MAY, 2000: The entire Star Goddess website (including The WEEKLY RIOT) was moved from WhoWhere to Tripod because WhoWhere is phasing out their website service. I moved over 150 pages, so if you find any broken links or links back to the old site, please let me know. Four new Georgia O'Keeffe flower photos were added to the Postcards page. The Funny Quotes pages are now organized by category.
APRIL, 2000: The Links page was updated and 50 more songs were added to the Postcards page
JANUARY, 2000: The Favorite Quotes and Links pages were updated
DECEMBER, 1999: The Unchained (a tribute to my late brother George) and Current Affairs pages were updated
NOVEMBER, 1999: The Love and Sex Quotes and the Funny Quotes pages were updated
MONTHLY UPDATES: Star Goddess' Favorite Horoscopes page is updated before the beginning of every month
WEEKLY UPDATES: The WEEKLY RIOT jokes page is updated every week
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